Powdered Caffeine: A Dangerous Drug

I’m constantly following teen trends not only because I work with teens all week long and am concerned about their safety, but also because I want to keep you their parents in the know. Knowledge is power and can also help us keep our teens out of physical and other sorts of trouble, right?

Most of us are aware of the overly-caffeinated energy drinks that are readily available to our teens. Consider that an ordinary cup of coffee or coffee drink contains about 100-200 calories. The popular energy drink Red Bull (8.4 ounces) is reported to contain 80 mg. of caffeine. Keep in mind that teens may go through several cans of Red Bull per day in the pursuit of a buzz that will keep them awake and in high gear. And listen to this, approximately two ounces of 10-Hour Energy Shot, another highly caffeinated drink, contains 422 mg. of caffeine and sixteen ounces of Bang Drink Energy Drink contains get this 357 mg. of caffeine.

Before I move on to what I am currently concerned about I would like parents to pay attention to what your kids are drinking and to what beverages you are making available to them. I know that you care about their habits. This is just on more friendly reminder: While you’re at it, keep an eye on caffeinated soda drinks as well!

Now things have gone a step further. Packets of powdered caffeine are readily available to teens. Just look at the following that can easily be pulled up by googling powdered caffeine: blast caffeine review (pure caffeine powder)


The deadliest caffeine product-powdered caffeine is easily available to our kids and they are using it to stay alert, assist with diets and to help with their exercise routines and athletics.These packets contain about 124 grams of powder and 124,000 mg. of caffeine. Just this past year, an 18-year-old teen named Logan Stiner who had graduated from Keystone High School in LaGrange died as a result of using this powdered substance. Sadly, he never had the opportunity to go to college.

These high levels of caffeine are dangerous and even deadly because of their effect on the heart. They can cause a rapid and erratic heartbeat. High doses of caffeine an also lead to seizures. Parents and educators must make the teens aware of the effect of this powdered caffeine which is usually purchased via the Internet. Health classes must educate our vulnerable kids.

Keep in mind that the teens are either swallowing this powder in raw form or are adding it to energy shakes. Most of the teens that I have spoken to think of caffeine as a safe substance and are unaware of its danger in these high doses. I am afraid that in their pursuit of athletic success, a lower body weight and a state of alertness our sleep-deprived teens are putting themselves in danger.

Let’s help them with education and with encouragement to stick to healthy habits including a good night of sleep. Good luck and please get back to me.