Is Popularity Over-Rated?

POPULARITY, the social status, that so many of us crave for our kids and yes, let’s face it, often for ourselves as …

Life Lessons for Your Teens

There are just so many incredibly wonderful life lessons that we can and must impart to our teens. They may not appreciate …

Ohio Slave Girls

Bravo Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight and Gina DeJesus for reaching out to the world via video. We are all so very happy …

Teen Girls & Video Games

Oh dear. Our young tween and teen girls are being targeted again. And this time, it’s a relatively new video game called …

Team Marriage or Team Teen Parenting?

Richard Burton, the British actor and Elizabeth Taylor’s husband and ex-husband multiple times over, once described marriage as the highest state of …

Helicopter Parenting:Good or Bad?

Helicopter parenting which is frequently referred to as “over-parenting” began trending in the mid 1990’s. This sort of parenting, where parents are …

Praising Kids & Self Esteem

I’d like to talk to you about how best to praise your kids and teens. You are probably all thinking that your …